Monthly Archives: January 2011

Hot Cocoa with Godiva…


There was something oh-so-perfect about sitting at the Godiva store for a cup of cocoa!  Chocolate brown blankets on laps, sipping authentic Godiva hot cocoa in cute little cups, with cute little saucers, and a cute little bowl of whipped cream (none of that canned crap here!). 

Forget about Starbucks, I wish I could do THIS everyday (but my jeans would prefer that I not)…



Bon Appetit!

Too pretty to eat? Nah!


I don’t know why they do the things they do half of the time, but I am glad that they make their DELICIOUS chocolate look and taste so good.  I think when it looks prettier…it tastes prettier.  This was no Hershey’s chocolate, but it did the trick in a pinch.  Ha ha…Swiss chocolate is TO DIE FOR!  For all of you fellow chocoholics–get you some of this!  Bon Appetit!

The BIG Chair…


You know you have read about it in HISTORY class.  I hope you have because this would be one of those things that I have purged from memory.  Don’t worry though, I took a photo for you of the meaning behind “The Big Chair”. 

DORK! Yeah, I made him do it....

Bon Ap!

Thank You…


We just wanted to thank all of our family and friends for thinking of us over Christmas/Birthday/New Year’s.  We loved the cards and presents–you are all the BESTEST and we are lucky to have you all in our lives!  We love you all from the bottom of our hearts! 

Bon Ap!

Love, Daniel and Julie

Flower Clock…


OK, this one is pretty complicated, so put on your “thinking caps…”

The Flower Clock in Geneva, Switzerland is a clock made purely of…you probably didn’t guess it…FLOWERS! 

Again, all of the tour sites said, “you must visit the Flower Clock”.  But also again, there was no explanation of the Flower Clock or it’s significance to Geneva.  But, we enjoyed it!  Bon Appetit!



You knew we had to throw one of our "self portraits" in!

Jet D’eau


There’s a lot less to say about this than I thought there would be.  All of the sites said, “you must visit the Jet D’eau”.  So…we went, we visited, we took some still shots and we moved on.  There wasn’t a plaque, a brochure, an anything to tell us what the significance was in this fountain.  Oh, other than the fact that it was one giant-ass fountain!  Well done on your fountain Switzerland!?  I guess?

Daniel + Fountain

Julie + Fountain

And....just the fountain.

Bon Appetit!

United Nations Building…


As you know, history is not “my thang”.  I got straight A’s in history, but once I aced the test, I dropped it all from memory–SNORE!  Little did I know that I would be living in Paris, France–capital of world history and traveling to all kinds of historical and important places.  We couldn’t pass up the United Nations building when we were in Geneva because all kinds of guilt would have set in.  So–for all you history buffs–you’re welcome, we visited. 

Here are the photos…

Ta Da!

Bon Appetit!

I was expecting Eureka Springs…?


I have always wanted to go to Switzerland and it did NOT disappoint!  I do have to admit that it was different from what I expected.  Let me paint you the picture that was in my head:

Little Swiss houses with ornate, colorful trim; chocolate flowing in the streams; giant snow-capped mountains surrounding every town; every single person dressed in snow gear and maybe a few snow shoes; Bernese Mountain Dogs and St. Bernards running around everywhere (I full expected to come back with a puppy); a beautiful blue sky; and lots of blonde people.  I guess I romanticized that one a bit too much.  Geneva is a pretty big city!

Nonetheless, it was a great trip and I had a great time turning 30 (I know, sounds weird to say)!  Here are some pics of what Geneva actually did look like.  Turns out…the only thing I had right was the mountains part! 

Bon Appetit!

My Mom said she is so sick of seeing me in a hat and scarf.'s COOOOLD!

Did you know the greatest video game of all time came from Switzerland?

Is it just me or do I look incredibly creepy here? Yea, I thought so.

He's practicing for the Tour de France!

The End.