Monthly Archives: December 2011



In my twisted little mind I always believed that oompah music was just part of Germany.  No reason to believe this, just did.  You know…like braids, funny shoes, and furry eyebrows.  (I can say this because I am 50% German (minus the eyebrows…I hope!)).  Anyway, oompah music is…in deed….a big part of Germany.  I just wanted you to know and show you some cute pictures that really had nothing to do with anything!

Bon Ap!



Not a whole lot to report here, but we did visit Marienplatz and–imparticular–the fountain at Marienplatz.  It was lovely and supposedly a “must see” in Munich.  I tend to disagree with some of the travel guides, but that is neither here nor there.  Bon Ap!



First stop in Munich was directly to the town center:  Glockenspiel.  This is the home of a GIANT cuckoo clock–literally.   Since I was mildly preoccupied with going to get one of those giant beers and admiring the ladies and gentlemen in lederhosen and dirndls across the town center–I didn’t know exactly what the significance of the Glockenspiel was (I know…real shocker)!  So, courtesy of Wikipedia…

The Rathaus-Glockenspiel of Munich is a tourist attraction in Marienplatz the heart of Munich.[1]

Part of the second construction phase of the New Town Hall, it dates from 1908. Every day at 11 a.m. (as well as 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. in summer) it chimes and re-enacts two stories from the 16th century to the amusement of mass crowds of tourists and locals. It consists of 43 bells and 32 life-sized figures. The top half of the Glockenspiel tells the story of the marriage of the local Duke Wilhelm V (who also founded the world famous Hofbräuhaus) to Renata of Lorraine. In honour of the happy couple there is a joust with life-sized knights on horseback representing Bavaria (in white and blue) and Lothringen (in red and white). The Bavarian knight wins every time of course.

And, the Glockenspiel was also the home to our first German beer at Oktoberfest.  In my mind, this was a pretty good omen to the rest of our weekend!  Bon Ap!

Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Lederhosen that I was dying to see more of!

And the dirndl that yours truly should have been sporting!

Best of both worlds: beer + Glockenspiel!

2 of my 5 guys...I loved boys weekend!

Here is the 3rd of my 5 guys..."Hi Denis!"

And of course...boys #4 and #5...Bachelor David and Hubby Dan.

My husband is VERY strong. I like him that way!

CHEERS...let the good times roll!

I’m leavin’ on a night train…


My bucket list does not consist of much, but there are 2 destinations that I want to visit before I kick the bucket:  1) Australia and 2) Oktoberfest Munich.  Recently, I got to check one of these little destinations off my list—I will give you a hint—it included mass amounts of beer, lederhosen, oompah music, and massive steins (great for the biceps which have gotten  little droopy as of late).  Yep…you guessed it…Oktoberfest Munich!

There was one downside to checking this particular item off my bucket list:  the night train.  Basically, we rode—overnight—in a moving box with 6 bunk beds (piled 3 high).  Oh, and to make matters even better…I was with 5 guys who all stripped down to their skivvies and settled in for a night of sugar plums and chocolate kisses.  Meanwhile, I remained fully cloaked in full wardrobe and full make-up.  Awesomeness.

Regardless, me and “da boyz” loaded up that moving box on wheels and headed to Oktoberfest 2011.  Was it everything I dreamed and more?  ABSOTOOTIFROOTEDLY!  It was perfect (minus the 30-minute wait for le toilette).  Once we got off the night train, it was nothing but barley, hops and blue skies from that point forward…bon ap!

Yes...6 people were to sleep in the space shown here. Let's not think about the hygiene (or lack thereof) involved with this scenario!

Boys weekend (+ Julie) has begun....

Probably taken directly AFTER not sleeping on the night train...

Why do these things happen to me?


In the past week alone, I have made a few blunders that I really need to get off my chest.  For some reason, these things only seem to happen to me and no one else. And the sad thing is that I try very hard to avoid things like this over here….

Example #1.  I dropped my shopping cart on a baby.  Yep.  There I was a Carrefour market unloading my groceries and my cart decided to take a nosedive backwards (probably because my heavy purse was hanging on the back of it).  BAM!  Cart landed on baby in a stroller.  The mother gave me a horrendous look and then proceeded to pack up all of her groceries and move to another line.  Being that I have limited French banter, all I could think of to say was “Pardon”.  Enemy made…

How do you say "Sorry Baby. I didn't mean to make you cry?!" in French???


Example #2.  I have been telling all of the nice people of France “nice ass” for the past year.  It’s true.  After an entire 30 minute conversation with Jeremy and Fanny last night, it turns out I have been saying “Merci Beaucoup” wrong the entire time.  Worst part is I still don’t know how to say it right.  It is a difference of “cue” and “coo”.  Merci BeauCUE or Merci BeauCOO????  Beats me!  I think I will stick with “Merci” from this point forward.  Who really needs to say ‘thank you very much’….I think ‘thank you’ will do just fine!

Way to go, Julie.  You are an amazing French girl.  Well done….bon ap!


I saw Paris. I saw France. I don’t think staying awake on the plane has a chance!

After 10 short days, 2 amazing trips away from Paris, countless cocktails, too many meals, and unmeasurable fun….Mom and Dad headed back to Arkansas!  We were really sad to see them go…it wasn’t the same after they took off in the taxi for Charles De Gaulle Aeroport.  Sniff sniff.
To Mom and Dad:  Thank you so much for coming to visit us and experiencing “life as we now know it” for yourselves.  It was so fun…taking you on the metro with your luggage…taking you to hotels without endless supplies of coffee (gasp!)…making you sleep in tinsy, tiny beds…helping you read the French menus…hearing you speak “Fringlish” to any and everyone you met…and taking you to the French grocery store that I love/hate so much!
We will never forget the Hanssens Takeover Tour of 2011!   Bon Ap!

Goodbye Paris! Love, The Hanssens.

Van Gogh. He’s the one without the ear.


Last stop in Amsterdam…Van Gogh Museum and also Julie Barnett’s #1 choice for art museums in Europe.

I have seen a LOT of museums now and this one takes the cake!  Here are some highlights:  small enough to wander through in 2 hours (fully), great color, great displays, great gift shop, and some pretty cool art too….here are some that you probably recognize:


Starry Night.


The Room. Illegally taken by...who else? husband.

I figured that I should post this pic so you could see I actually did enjoy the museum. In all of my photos, I don't think there are any with me actually SMILING in a museum....


Daytime Doobie anyone?


It was a real…um….”trip” eating lunch at a canal-side cafe with the sound of gently crashing waves and the smell of intensely fragrant doobies in the air.  For real.  That’s all I can say and here is all I can show….bon ap!

Please direct your attention to the culprits directly over Sir Daniel's right shoulder. Busted!

I am pretty sure they were 'high as a kite' and didn't even notice that we were taking photos of them like they were the photo opp of the day!

Boat tour + Hanssens = Obviously.


We have already sailed the seven seas of the Seine River, so naturally, we had to float the 700 canals of Amsterdam via watercraft.  It’s what we do!  It’s how we roll!  And, if you didn’t know this about Amsterdam, it is a city built on the canals, so there was a LOT to float through!  Bon Ap!

Our sailing vessel...

I forgot to mention that besides bikes, mary jane and canals, houseboats are the next biggest thing! I guess it is cheaper to live on the water than on land?!

The cutest parents on the block (or canal as the case may be!)

Best thing about NOT being in France? I got to break out the bright colors again! I missed you yellow shirt!

Even Dan the Man decided it was time to rock 2 things that Parisians hate...1) color and 2) plaid. You go babe!

Bicycles, tricycles, and unicycles!


Not sure what it is about Amsterdam that makes people want to ride a bike, but I have never seen anything like it.  Bikes were everywhere!  They have the right of way over cars AND over pedestrians.  I can’t tell you how many Amsterdamians almost ran me smack over because I was walking in a bike lane.

Not only are they super-duper popular, but they are oh-so-adorable too.  Beach cruisers with big baskets (little dog included).  In all honesty, the bikes are probably one of the things I will remember most about Amsterdam.  Bon Ap!